Your Multi-Channel Marketing Aide

End-to-End Marketing Management System

  • Secure Data Integration and Management
  • Marketing Effectiveness Measurement and Optimization
  • Scenario Builder and Testing
  • Knowledge Builder and Manager

Loved by 2000+ customers from around the world

How Cecareus Works

Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists, and simulate plans to achieve your defined goals. simulate plans to achieve your defined goals.

Secure Data Integration and Management

Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists, and simulate plans to achieve your defined goals. simulate plans to achieve your defined goals. simulate plans to achieve your defined goals.

Secure Data

Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists,


Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists,

Marketing Effectiveness Measurement and Optimization

Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists, and simulate plans to achieve your defined goals. simulate plans to achieve your defined goals.

Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists, and simulate plans to achieve your defined goals.

Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists, and simulate plans to achieve your defined goals.

Scenario Builder and Testing

Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists, and simulate plans to achieve your defined goals. simulate plans to achieve your defined goals. simulate plans to achieve your defined goals.

Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists, and simulate plans to achieve your defined goals. simulate plans to achieve your defined goals.

Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists, and simulate plans to achieve your defined goals. Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists.

Knowledge Builder and Manager

Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists, and simulate plans to achieve your defined goals. simulate plans to achieve your defined goals.

Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists, and simulate plans to achieve your defined goals.

Easily connect investment data, run models without data scientists, and simulate plans to achieve your defined goals.

Optimize any size budget augue suscipit

Confidently address leadership's questions with data-backed answers leadership's questions with data-backed answers

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Aliquam a augue suscipit

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Aliquam a augue suscipit

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Aliquam a augue suscipit

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in marketing budgets optimized globally



increase in incremental revenue



models optimized for brands

There’s a reason why our clients work with us

Confidently address leadership's questions with data-backed answers questions with data-backed answers Confidently address leadership's questions with data-backed answers


“Rather than looking at how activities are performing in 6-month increments, we are able to understand programs’ return within 5 weeks. Rather than looking at how activities are performing in 6-month increments.”

Jennifer Benkarski

Hilton, Director of Marketing, Performance & Insights


“Rather than looking at how activities are performing in 6-month increments, we are able to understand programs’ Rather than looking at how activities are performing in 6-month increments.”

Jennifer Benkarski

Hilton, Director of Marketing, Performance & Insights


“Rather than looking at how activities are performing in 6-month increments, we are able to understand programs’ return within 5 weeks. Rather than looking at how activities are performing in”

Jennifer Benkarski

Hilton, Director of Marketing, Performance & Insights

Our Awards Reflect Our Commitment to Excellence

Powerful features to drive impactful, clear results

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